Why is the Center Majority Growing so Fast?

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Why the Center Majority is Growing:
Most Americans understand that
Our Country is Being Torn Apart

and Americans are being harmed
» Our Polarized 2-Party “Us against Them” Politics, waged by
»Warring Partisan Extremists & Media in both Parties, spewing
»Dangerous Lies & Disinformation to incite Partisan Hatred; and
» Driven by Dark Money buying elections & laws
that favor Billionaires & giant corporations
at the expense of working Middle Class Americans

A record high 62% of Americans now feel
neither Political Party fully represents them.
See Polls»

Sensible, Patriotic Americans need a Common-Sense,
Patriotic, Center American Political Home to represent them!
That’s why they are flocking to the Center Majority of America!

What are the Concerns Driving Americans
Away from the Polarized Extremes of Both Parties and
To the Center Majority of Americans?

» As many studies and polls have shown, our Polarized Two-Party “Us against Them” Politics are broken. The growing dangers this poses to our Country are more and more apparent, as the studies document;

» As shown by Poll after Poll, Substantial Majorities of Americans, whether Republican, Independent, or Democrat, and whether in Red States or Blue States, actually want the same things!   Alas, it is actually the partisan politicians & their Dark Money Donors & hyper-partisan Media who are polarized and driving divisions in our Country, not the majority of the American people!

» Studies show that Public Support, in fact, now has NO Impact on the likelihood of an idea becoming law in our Dark Money Driven politics!

» Through the pernicious influence of Dark Money in politics and Billionaires buying elections, many Laws that have passed over the last 40 years disproportionately have favored Billionaires and giant corporations, contributing to the Huge & Growing Wealth & Income Gap between the top 1-10% and the rest of us that afflicts the working Middle Class men and women of America today.

» Many studies have documented, and stories in the news constantly illustrate, how partisan-driven rampant Lies & Disinformation spewed by partisan hacks, hyper-partisan Media outlets, and Social Media scammers are endangering our health and safety and tearing our Country apart.

» Americans don’t know which Media to trust.
See information on The Disinformation Pandemic   and   Media Bias, Media Literacy & Disinformation »

» Our Forefathers warned about the Dangers of Warring Partisan Factions »   and the Need for National Unity to Preserve our Republic ».
It is time we heed their warnings!

» Do you too Share the Concerns for our Country that are driving so many Americans away from the Polarized Extremes of both Parties and To the Center Majority of America?
Do you feel:

» Do you too Love our Country over Party, and increasingly, feel you have more in common with the good faith, common sense working men and women who are part of the Center Majority, than with the warring – “Us against Them” – Polarized Elites & Extremes of either Political Party & their Dark Money Donors, who seem to have forgotten that we are all Americans, and we are all In This Together?

» Are you too outraged to see these same Extremist Politicians engaging in partisan Political Games that gridlock Congress, while disregarding the problems facing our Country and the will of the vast majority of Americans, but voting for laws that serve their Dark Money Billionaire donors who buy elections, at the expense of the working Middle Class men and women of America?

» Are you too dismayed to see Polarized Extremist Politicians & conflict-mongering Media “personalities,” for their own partisan and profiteering purposes, spouting Lies & Disinformation that are inflaming, enraging & duping Americans into viewing their fellow ordinary Americans of the other Party as their “enemies?”

» Are you too alarmed to see this pandemic of partisan Lies & Disinformation, and a blizzard of made-up conspiracy stories, pitting Americans against Americans over phony cultural & social issues, and fomenting misinformed Partisan Hatred & conflict, that is dividing our families and our communities, threatening our Safety & Security, hurting our health,

and tearing our Country Apart.

As Abraham Lincoln said,
“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

» Our Forefathers warned about the Dangers of Warring Partisan Factions » and the Need for National Unity to Preserve our Republic ».   It is time to heed their warnings!

In these Divisive times, Who can you trust?
Answer: Each other, in the
Sensible, Responsible, Trustworthy & Patriotic
Center Majority of Americans!
Read more »

Imagine if we, the Center Majority of Americans, had the Power
to do something about these threats facing America today
by voting together, regardless of Party, to nominate and
elect sensible Center Majority candidates in both Parties!

Together, we do have that Power!
And, we Choose to band together to exercise it!

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Do you share the concerns of most Americans today?

Do you too feel:

  • Proud to be an American, and alarmed and disgusted by the increasing epidemic of Lies & Disinformation spewed by Partisan hacks & Hyper-Partisan Media that are tearing our Country apart with ginned up Partisan Hatred based on Lies;
  • Dismayed to see that, to varying degrees, both Political Parties have been captured or influenced by Polarized Extremists who view those in the other Party not as opponents, but as enemies, and focus only on waging Perpetual Partisan Tribal/ Culture Wars to demonize the other Party in a quest to hold Power for themselves, and then, when elected completely disregard what the vast Majority of the American People agree we really want and need, as shown by poll after poll »;
  • Tired of being lied to by politicians & demagogues seeking our votes, who when elected, turn around & serve only their Dark Money Billionaire Backers, Rich Cronies, and Lobbyists for Giant Corporations, not us, the American People;
  • Outraged that very little has been done by Congress or State Legislatures to address the huge job losses, income insecurity, rising violence, rising health care costs, and related opioid addiction crisis, that have fallen on the backs of the working Middle Class & Middle America over the last 40 years, as the Middle Class is suffering & shrinking while the top 1% of Americans have grown richer and richer, even during the COVID Pandemic!
  • Frustrated by the negative filibustering & perpetual partisan gridlock in Congress created by politicians focused only on Political Games to defeat the other Party and please their Billionaire Dark Money Backers, while defeating even consideration of Common Sense Solutions to the real problems facing the American People;
  • Uneasy that your own views do not really match the values and the direction now being pursued by the Elites & Extremes in either Party, and realize that you feel more in common with good faith, common sense working men and women in the Center Majority than with the Extremists and Billionaire Elites & their Dark Money controlling either Party;
  • Worried about the increasingly brazen attempts by Partisan Extremists to rig elections through gerrymandering, voter subversion laws, Lies and Disinformation, and other tricks that threaten to interfere with our right to vote and destroy our Government Of the People, By the People & For the People;
  • Afraid for the future of our Country if left to the control of the Elites & Extremists in the two Parties, who, beholden to their Billionaire Backers and conflict-seeking hyper-partisan Media, are dividing our Country, destroying the working Middle Class & not serving us, the American People, and our actual interests, needs, and values; and
  • Committed to upholding our Constitution, the Rule of Law, and a Government Of the People, By the People & For the People, as our Forefathers intended, with One Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty & Justice for All; and Value our Country over Party, Truth over Lies, and Right over Wrong, as our Founding Fathers taught us, in their own Words »

Do You Too Share These Views and Concerns of Most Americans?

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