The Center Majority of Americans:
Who We Are, Our Mission &
The Power We Hold Together

Welcome to VOCM America – Voice Of The Center Majority of Americans!
A Rapidly Growing, Dynamic and Powerful
Cross-Party Voting Alliance and Movement of
The Center Two-Thirds Majority of Americans!
Reasonable, Common-Sense Americans
Independents, Republicans, and Democrats
who Pledge Allegiance to the United States of America, and
Love our Country over Party!
We Work Together & Vote Together
across the Party Divide
Not as a Weak Third Party, but
as a Dynamic & Powerful
Cross-Party Voting Alliance & Movement
» To Overcome the Extreme Partisan Tribal Warfare
that is tearing us apart,
» To Defeat the authoritarian threat of Power-Hungry Demagogues and
their Dark Money puppeteers & profiteering partisan media “influencers” fraudulently spewing dangerous & divisive lies,
» To Save our Democratic Republic, Solve our Common Problems, and
Make our government work again, at all levels, for All the People,
not just the Billionaires buying elections and the hand-full of
partisan extremists who dominate the low turn-out Party Primaries
that decide Elections in 86% of districts!
» To Elect Center Majority candidates in both Parties
at all levels of government,
who will work together across the destructive Party divide
to Solve the festering problems that have fallen on the backs
of the Middle Class & forgotten regions of America;
» To Strengthen and Support the Middle Class, Small Business,
and Forgotten Regions of America; and
» To Build toward a Better future for our Children, and
a Stronger, More Hopeful, Free and Prosperous America
for All the People,
with Liberty, Justice and Opportunity for All.
neither Political Party adequately represents them, and
the two Parties do such a poor job of representing the American People that a third major party is needed!
See Poll »
Yet, in America’s Winner-Takes-All two-party system, our two Political Parties hold a Duopoly of power, and Third Parties and are perceived as “spoilers” and stand very little chance of succeeding.
Therefore, until now, there has been no party or organization actually representing the Center Majority of the American people!
Many scholars warn that to Save our democracy from the extreme partisan warfare that threatens it’s survival, Centrist and Moderate voices must gain greater power within our polarized political system. But, until now, no realistic direct path to empower the Center Majority of the American People has been articulated! See Citations [Pop-Up]
But Together,
we now have a Solution –
a Powerful New Path Forward!
The Center Majority of Americans represents the
Vast 66% Center Majority of the American People!
Data show that we in the Center Majority of Americans
have More in Common with each other,
than with partisans in either Political Party.
two warring Political Parties, or politically homeless,
then we have no voice. But,
not as a Third party,
but as a new Cross-Party Voting Alliance of
Reasonable Independents, Republicans, and Democrats,
We Hold the Power in America Today!

A New Path Forward – Our Mission:
is a Much Needed & Powerful Alternative to our two Dysfunctional Parties. We are Not a Third Party,
but a New Cross-Party Voting Alliance & Movement of
Reasonable Independents, Republicans, and Democrats.
A Home for the previously unrepresented
Center Majority of Americans.
We function as if a “Party within and overlapping
both Parties & Independents,”
which gives us far more power than a Third Party
in our Two-Party dominated System.
across the Party Divide, to Save our Country,
our democracy, our Liberty, and our livelihoods
from the extreme hate-filled Partisan Tribal Warfare
and its underlying causes,
that are Destroying our democracy,
Dividing our communities & families,
Hurting the Middle Class, and
Tearing our Country apart!
And we have the Strategy
» To Recruit, Endorse, Nominate and Elect common-sense, responsible Center Majority Candidates in both Parties, at all levels of government,
who will represent us, the Majority of the American People.
To Vote together, not for either Party, but for our endorsed Center Majority Candidate in each race,
regardless of Party!
and who will deliver the needed reforms & solutions:
» To Restore good jobs, a level playing field and Opportunity for the Middle Class,
for forgotten regions of America,
and for ALL Americans!
» To Rein in the Dark Money corruption in politics and the Lies & Disinformation profiteering in partisan & social media, which are fueling the toxic Tribal Divisions and Extremist Partisan Warfare that are tearing us apart and threatening the survival of our Nation!
» To Restore Truth, Honor & Integrity to politics
and our National Discourse!
» To Pass the needed Reforms to Preserve and Strengthen our democracy & Republic, with a government that Works, not by the rich for the rich, but
Of the People, By the People and For the People, and
» To keep America Safe, Strong and Secure!
Together, we Hold the Power
» To teach both Political Parties that they exist to represent and serve Us, the People, not to raise money and wage political warfare simply to hold power for themselves; to teach politicians in both Parties that to win they must serve our interests, those of the majority of the American People!
» To Unite Americans in Rekindled Patriotic Spirit,
Renewed purpose, and Revitalized Courage to act together
as One Nation to fulfill the Promise of America!
» To Reclaim the American Dream of Equal Opportunity
and a Level Playing Field for ALL Americans, including
the Middle Class and forgotten regions & zip codes of America!
» And Together, to Build a Brighter Future for ourselves and our children and grandchildren!
Do you Too Want these things?
Have you Too Had Enough of
the Extreme Hate-Filled Political Polarization and
Partisan Tribal Warfare that are gridlocking government,
destroying our democracy, dividing our families & communities,
and Tearing our Country Apart?
Have you Too Had Enough of
the sensationalized Disinformation in conflict-seeking partisan Media
that is deceiving, distracting & dividing us, while
Billionaires buy the election of Congressmen & legislators
who serve them in their quest to pay no taxes and get richer & richer,
and America’s festering problems continue to fall on the backs of
the hard-working Middle Class men and women of America?
» Like over 62% of the American People, do you too feel frustrated that there is no viable third alternative to our two warring Political Parties, with their extremist candidates and polarized Media outlets? Very few or no common-sense American Centrist candidates, people like you, on the ballot?
No place to turn?
Finally, you have a Home and a Family of People like you,
who care about you, who care about our Country, and,
together, we have the Power to deliver Solutions!
Pentagon Memorial Dedication Crowd. Photo by Master Sgt. Adam Stump, U.S. Air Force – courtesy of Wikimedia commons