The Center Majority in Action – What We Can Do Together
Take Action! Let us join together to save our Country from polarized violence and civil war, protect democracy, and strengthen the Middle Class in America! Together, we can!
See the Programs, Initiatives & Events being developed with our partner Organization, The Center Majority Alliance of America (CMA America):

» Projects & Initiatives »
» Upcoming Events »
Understand the Power we possess
as the vast Center Majority of Americans –
if we just organize, work together, and vote together!
If we join together, make our voices heard, and vote substantially as a block in local, state, and federal primary and general elections — regardless of Party — we have the power to nominate and elect Center Majority candidates in both parties, and make the politicians of both Parties listen to us and embrace our policies, if they wish to win.
Think about it! If we join together, not as a third party but as a bipartisan and nonpartisan Voting Alliance of the Center Majority of Americans (Republicans, Independents, and Democrats), then without our votes, neither Party can win elections! We are the Majority; neither Party can win without our votes! And, together, we have the power to decide the all-important primary elections that determine which candidates are nominated to run! We have the strategy. Join us and serve your Country. Make a difference!
If we act and vote together – regardless of our Party registration – we can elect candidates who will (and “un-elect” those who will not) implement policies that will:
- Preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, protect our Sacred Right to Vote and the security of our elections, and shore up and protect our democracy and democratic institutions;
- Restore Good Jobs, Economic Opportunity, and a Level Playing Field for the Middle Class, and support Freedom and Equal Opportunity for all Americans;
- Support American Business and Free Enterprise, while restoring good paying jobs and a “level playing field” for working Middle Class men & women, and protecting Americans from harm;
- Protect our First Amendment Rights, while helping to address the alarming Disinformation Pandemic and Information Warfare currently being waged against Americans;
- Rein in Dark Money corruption in Politics and Billionaires buying elections and laws for themselves, at the expense of the Majority of the American People;
- Adopt needed reforms to secure a government at all levels Of the People, By the People, and For the People;
- Protect the Freedoms of all Americans under the Bill of Rights, the First 10 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution;
- Strengthen our American Republic, and secure its promise of a better future for our children and grand children; and
- Overcome the polarizing and self-defeating Partisan Power Wars that gridlock government and threaten Society; and bring our Country together again!
Read more about: Who we Are » and What We Stand For, our Policies and Platform »
See our Ongoing Projects, Initiatives & Events, below:
Projects & Initiatives
The following new Initiatives are being developed by our separate partner Organization, the Center Majority Alliance of America (CMA America):
» Programs, in partnerships with other like-minded organizations, for the recruitment, training, and financial support of qualified, Center-Majority-of-America-endorsed candidates for public office in both Parties, representing the values, policies, and priorities of the Center Majority Alliance of America (CMA America) and VOCM America
» Organizing cross-party Center Majority get-out-the-vote drives for Center Majority Candidates, especially in Primary Elections in captive gerrymandered districts, in partnership with other like-minded organizations. And, State by State Primary Election Voter Education Programs, providing information to Center Majority Americans in each State on how to cross party lines where necessary to vote for the Center Majority candidate in Primary Elections in your District.
» Development of a Rating System with a “For The People Scorecard” for all Representatives & Senators in Congress, measuring the extent to which they have Supported and Advanced the Policies and Priorities of VOCM America and the Center Majority Alliance of America (CMA America)
» Development of State Chapters of the Center Majority Alliance of America (CMA America), with the aim of developing Rating Systems and “For The People Scorecards” for State Legislators and Governors, measuring the extent to which they have Supported and Advanced the Policies and Priorities of VOCM America and the Center Majority Alliance of America (CMA America)
» Development of partnerships and affiliations with other like-minded Organizations engaged in Grass Roots campaigns to influence the votes and sponsorship of legislation by Members of the House and Senate in Congress and by State Legislators, on the Issues and Priorities of concern to the members of VOCM America and the Center Majority Alliance of America (CMA America)
» Development of Continuing Education Programs in Civics, Media Literacy, and Combating Disinformation, in affiliation with partner non-profit Organizations and local High Schools, Colleges and Universities
» Development of Programs to Bring Americans Together in Goodwill, and Bridge the Geographic Divide and the “Us against Them” Partisan Divide in America, in affiliation with partner non-profit Organizations. See Examples »
Upcoming Events
The following future Events are being developed and organized by our separate partner Organization, the Center Majority Alliance of America (CMA America):
» Periodic National Convention of the Members of VOCM America and the Center Majority Alliance of America (CMA America), at which the Members will vote upon and decide (i) the slate of Candidates to be endorsed by CMA America in the immediately upcoming National and State Elections and (ii) any amendments or additions to the Platform and Policies supported by CMA America and VOCM America. Speeches from candidates seeking CMA America’s endorsement, Seminars, Discussion Groups, Exhibits and other events are to be included at the Convention.
» Candidate Forums for qualified candidates for state and federal office, in both Parties, to present their views to our Members, and seek endorsement of the Center Majority of America.
» Series of Virtual Town Halls & Focus Group Meetings, exploring the issues and principles important to the Center Majority of Americans, and illuminating the emerging consensus among the Center Majority of Americans around the policies we support and the Initiatives that CMA America undertakes.
» Separate Events to be planned and organized by State Chapters of CMA America