Welcome to VOCM America! – Voice of the Center Majority of Americans

We are the Voice of the Center Majority of Americans

We welcome you to our Family!

Who We Are:

We are a cross-partisan Coalition of the Center – Independents, Republicans, and Democrats – of America.
We now outnumber both Republicans and Democrats – by approximately 2 to 1!
See Gallup & other Polls in our Recent Article »

We include most Independents and a large percentage of registered Republicans and Democrats who believe as we do, and whose Middle Class interests align with ours, making us truly the Vast Majority of Americans!   Read More about the Center Majority of America »

But, our interests truly have not been served by far too many politicians in State Capitals and in Washington, who answer to their wealthy donors, not us.

As the common-sense, reasonable, and responsible Center Majority of the Country,
we are the core and backbone that holds this Country together.
It is time that our Voices be heard and respected in Media, and
in the Corridors of Power of Washington and all State Capitols!

It is time we hold Politicians accountable for WHAT THEY DO in Office,
and not be distracted by what they or Partisan Media SAY
to try to manipulate us

It is time that the Center working Middle Class in America
be treated fairly, truthfully, and equally.

You are an Important Part of our Family!   Read More about:

Take Action – What we can Do Together »

See our Ongoing Programs, Initiatives & Events

Understand the Power we hold if we join together peacefully – not as a third party,
but as a Nonpartisan/ Bipartisan Coalition of the vast Center Majority of Like-Minded Americans!

We now outnumber both Republicans and Democrats – by approximately 2 to 1!

Think about it!   We are the Majority!   If there are only two Parties, then without enough of our votes, neither Party has a Majority!   We determine the outcomes!

Understand that if we make our voices heard, and vote substantially as a block
in local, state, and federal elections — regardless of Party — we have the power
to restore Justice and Fairness for the Middle Class, and
actually bring our Country Together Again
in mutual understanding and caring for each other,
with pride in America and what she stands for!

We are
Of the People, By the People, and For All the People
And, believe our Government must be too!

Let your Voice be Heard!
Join us Now, as a
loved member of our Family! »

VOCM America – Voice of The Center Majority of Americans

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