Let Us Come Together!

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Let us Come Together, and
» Overcome the Divisive Evils now threatening our Nation,
our Communities & our Families,
» Restore good jobs, Economic Opportunity & Fairness for
the working Middle Class and forgotten regions of America,
» Keep our Country Safe, Strong and Prosperous, and
Build a Brighter Future for ourselves and our Children,
» Rekindle the Patriotic American Spirit, and
Bring our Country Together Again!

The Vast Center Majority of Americans

Now includes approximately 66% of Americans!   polls show »

We outnumber Partisan Republicans & Democrats, combined – by almost 2 to 1!

Center Majority of America vs. Extreme Partisans - January, 2021

A record high 62% of Americans now feel
neither Political Party fully represents them.
See Polls»

» Do you too Share the Concerns for our Country that are driving so many Americans away from the Polarized Extremes of both Parties and To the Center Majority of America?
Do you too feel:

Sensible, Patriotic Americans need a Common-Sense,
Patriotic, Center American Political Home to represent them!
That’s why they are flocking to the Center Majority of America!

We, the sensible Center Majority of Americans,
are the core and backbone that hold this Country together.
» Do you agree it is time that our voices be heard and respected in the Media and in the Halls of Congress and State Governments?

» Do you agree it is time we hold Politicians accountable for WHAT THEY DO in Office, and not be duped or distracted by what they and Partisan Media SAY?

» Do you agree it is time we all stand on our own two feet, Declare our Independence to think for ourselves, and help each other identify & tune out partisan hacks, partisan Media commentators, and other Disinformation predators, who try falsely to stoke our hate or fears, so they can tell us what to think, what to believe, who to hate, and how to vote?   (See How Disinformation Works to take away our ability to think for ourselves »)

» Do you agree it is time we elect common sense, responsible Center Majority leaders at all levels of our state and federal government who will listen to us, tell the truth, and represent us, the People of the United States of America?

Welcome to the Center Majority of America!
Your Family & Your Home!

Read More:

As the Vast Center Majority of Americans,
We hold the Power!

Think about it!
We hold the vast Majority of all votes in America today!
Neither Political Party includes more than 30% of the American electorate.
Neither Party can win in any Swing State without enough of our votes!
Even in strongly Red or Blue States, we have the power to swing Primary Elections
to decide which candidates are nominated to run!

If we Vote together as a Cross-Party Coalition (not a third party »),
we have the Power to recruit, nominate & elect Center Majority candidates,
in Both Political Parties, in both state & federal government, who
pledge to work together to Repair our broken “Us against Them” politics,
Defeat the Grip of Disinformation & Dark Money,
Restore good jobs, Economic Opportunity & Fairness for
the Working Middle Class and forgotten regions of America,
Serve us, the People, achieve our policies,
and help bring our Country Together Again!

Let us Come Together

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Do you share the concerns of most Americans today?

Do you too feel:

  • Proud to be an American, and alarmed and disgusted by the increasing epidemic of Lies & Disinformation spewed by Partisan hacks & Hyper-Partisan Media that are tearing our Country apart with ginned up Partisan Hatred based on Lies;
  • Dismayed to see that, to varying degrees, both Political Parties have been captured or influenced by Polarized Extremists who view those in the other Party not as opponents, but as enemies, and focus only on waging Perpetual Partisan Tribal/ Culture Wars to demonize the other Party in a quest to hold Power for themselves, and then, when elected completely disregard what the vast Majority of the American People agree we really want and need, as shown by poll after poll »;
  • Tired of being lied to by politicians & demagogues seeking our votes, who when elected, turn around & serve only their Dark Money Billionaire Backers, Rich Cronies, and Lobbyists for Giant Corporations, not us, the American People;
  • Outraged that very little has been done by Congress or State Legislatures to address the huge job losses, income insecurity, rising violence, rising health care costs, and related opioid addiction crisis, that have fallen on the backs of the working Middle Class & Middle America over the last 40 years, as the Middle Class is suffering & shrinking while the top 1% of Americans have grown richer and richer, even during the COVID Pandemic!
  • Frustrated by the negative filibustering & perpetual partisan gridlock in Congress created by politicians focused only on Political Games to defeat the other Party and please their Billionaire Dark Money Backers, while defeating even consideration of Common Sense Solutions to the real problems facing the American People;
  • Uneasy that your own views do not really match the values and the direction now being pursued by the Elites & Extremes in either Party, and realize that you feel more in common with good faith, common sense working men and women in the Center Majority than with the Extremists and Billionaire Elites & their Dark Money controlling either Party;
  • Worried about the increasingly brazen attempts by Partisan Extremists to rig elections through gerrymandering, voter subversion laws, Lies and Disinformation, and other tricks that threaten to interfere with our right to vote and destroy our Government Of the People, By the People & For the People;
  • Afraid for the future of our Country if left to the control of the Elites & Extremists in the two Parties, who, beholden to their Billionaire Backers and conflict-seeking hyper-partisan Media, are dividing our Country, destroying the working Middle Class & not serving us, the American People, and our actual interests, needs, and values; and
  • Committed to upholding our Constitution, the Rule of Law, and a Government Of the People, By the People & For the People, as our Forefathers intended, with One Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty & Justice for All; and Value our Country over Party, Truth over Lies, and Right over Wrong, as our Founding Fathers taught us, in their own Words »

Do You Too Share These Views and Concerns of Most Americans?

Welcome to our Family of the Center Majority of Americans!

Do you share the Values & Principles of the
Vast Center Majority of Americans Today?

The predominant Principles & Policy Views held by the Center Majority of America include:


» We support American Business and Free Markets, but we call for good jobs, affordable healthcare, Equal Opportunity, a Level Playing Field, and Prosperity for the Working Middle Class, and for the Heartland and all Regions of America, not just the wealthiest zip codes!  

» We call for prudent measures & renewed commitment to protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare, so that they will continue to be there and give Seniors the Economic Security & Peace of Mind they have paid for with their hard-earned Dollars.

» We call for investing in America’s future, by Repairing, Revitalizing & Upgrading America’s infrastructure, roads & bridges, supporting the research & development that has enabled innovations in American business & technology to serve the American people, and renewing our commitment to provide all Americans access to good Education, which can provide a pathway to a better life for ourselves and our children.

» We believe in balanced budgets, and also believe that Billionaires & giant corporations (some of whom pay 0 taxes) need to pay their fair share.


» We are Americans!   We Pledge allegiance to the United States of America, and stand for One Nation Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty & Justice for All, with a Government Of the People, By the People, and For the People.

» We call for an end to America’s dysfunctional Polarized “Us against Them” politics, and call on elected politicians at all levels to stop using Lies & Disinformation spread by hyper-partisan media to incite Culture Wars that demonize fellow Americans in the other Party.   We call on all elected politicians to do your jobs to solve America’s pressing problems and serve the American People, not just your Billionaire Backers!

» We come together as a Cross-Party Centrist Coalition of Independents, Republicans & Democrats, who now include approximately 66% of the American People, to nominate and elect Center Majority candidates in both Parties at all levels of state and federal government, who pledge to and demonstrate that they will work together cooperatively & constructively to deliver common sense solutions to America’s pressing problems, reform our broken “Us against Them” political system, and serve the will of the Majority of the American People.

» We call for a Government Of the People, By the People & For the People, where Billionaires can’t buy elections, and where elected politicians serve us, the American People, not their Dark Money Backers!   Our laws do not allow bribery in business. We should not tolerate bribery of our Government!

Morally & Culturally:

» We call for Freedom to practice the values we cherish: Loyalty, Truth, Honesty, Morality, Common Sense, Responsibility, Family, The Golden Rule, Helping our neighbors, upholding the Rule of Law and our Constitutional Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech & Assembly, and Constructive Cooperation to serve and support our One Common Country,

Without partisan political interference trying to divide us!

» We also call for Freedom from meddling & manipulation by Conflict-Mongering Partisan Politicians & Media “personalities” in the Sacred Religious, Social & Cultural areas of our private lives!   We condemn these agitators for creating and weaponizing phony Culture Wars in these areas of our private lives, for sheer profit or partisan purposes. This is sheer evil – pitting Americans against our fellow Americans and deliberately creating misinformed partisan hatred, based on Lies, that is tearing our Country apart!  

If we are to remain a Free People, these Religious, Social & Cultural areas of our private lives must be kept Sacred and “off limits” to manipulation and weaponization by partisan politics!

Honest politics is NOT about flinging personal insults or epithets or ridicule at people in the other Party; and it is NOT about labeling or stereotyping people of the other Party based on their perceived social, religious, cultural, racial, ethnic, physical, or personal characteristics or outlook! Honest politics is NOT about whether someone is “wok” or whether people or private businesses engage in “cancel culture,” or whether a particular comic book or dress code fits someone’s taste.

Honest politics is about governing and delivering results for the American People, in the economic, political, and legal aspects of our lives. Political Parties exist only to get candidates elected to positions in government, where they are charged with attending to the economic, political, and legal aspects of our lives. Politicians are not being elected as cultural or religious high priests!   Our Constitution specifically prohibits government interference with our Freedoms of Religion, Speech & Assembly.   Culture Wars are not the province of government or politics!

» We call for Freedom from Election Fraud & Disinformation Fraud on Voters! Under our laws, deliberate Material false or misleading information in business or the sale of stock or securities is Fraud – a Crime that can lead to many years in jail. Deliberately spewing Material False & Misleading Disinformation to dupe voters and steal elections is also Fraud! It damages and endangers our democracy and our Republic, and should not be tolerated!

Our First Amendment Rights must be protected, but they have never been absolute. Under decided First Amendment law, there is no absolute First Amendment right of free speech for fraud, defamation, obscenity, child pornography, speech integral to illegal conduct, speech that incites imminent lawless action, speech that violates intellectual property law, true threats, and commercial speech such as advertising. (See a summary of Free Speech Exceptions »)

We call on our elected officials to work together cooperatively and constructively to find reasonable solutions to protect our democracy & Republic and all of us as voters, from the evils of Election Fraud and Disinformation Fraud on voters, while also protecting our Right of Free Speech under decided First Amendment law.

» We call on all our fellow Americans in both Political Parties to help protect our Freedoms from political interference in these Sacred Religious, Social & Cultural areas of our private lives by standing on your own two feet and Declaring your Independence from partisan hacks, con men, partisan Media “personalities” and Opinion Commentators trying to inflame us with hate and fear based on falsehoods in these cultural & personal areas of our private lives, and thereby trying to tell us what to think, what to believe, what to fear, who to hate, and how to vote!   Declare your Independence by resisting their bait, changing your channel, and tuning them out!   We must look to Reliable, Fair & Balanced Centrist Media, not Partisan Media, for our news & information!

» We also know that we must not look to Political Parties to define who we are or what we believe. A Political Party is not a religion; it is not a social club; and it is not a cult or a tribe!   Political Parties exist only to get candidates elected to positions in government, where they are charged with attending to the economic, political, and legal aspects of our lives, our security, and the national security of our Nation.

Political Parties are made up of shifting political coalitions that change and realign over time. Both historically and now, Political Parties are not constant, consistent, coherent, or reliable as to what they stand for, and sometimes not moral.

We know that neither the Republican Party nor the Democratic Party of today are the same as they were in our parents or grandparents time, or at the times of their founding. Both have completely realigned and flipped their positions since then. Both now hold positions diametrically opposite to those they held then. And, both are now composed of some Extremist and Radical Elements that would have shocked and revolted our parents, grandparents, and ancestors.

We know it is dangerous to ourselves and to our Country to define our personal identity or beliefs upon the shifting sands of the Political Party we may belong to, or the Political Party our parents or grandparents may have belonged to.

For support and friendships in the Sacred Religious, Cultural & Social areas of our lives, we must not look to Political Parties, but look instead to our Churches or Synagogues, Spiritual guidance, Families, friends, Social or Cultural Clubs or centers, and in the political areas, to common interest groups, like the Center Majority, that stay constant.

» As counseled by our Forefathers, we seek to broaden our horizons by opening our minds and hearts, and seeking to understand the points of view of our fellow Americans of different persuasions, and who on the surface may appear different from ourselves. Often, when we meet and come to know others of another Party or persuasion that we may have viewed as our “enemies,” we may find that our assumptions about them were wrong, and we have more in common than we dreamed!

We understand that true Patriotism means to seek and find common ground with our fellow Americans, so we can better appreciate that we are all Americans in One Common Country, and we are All In This Together!

Do You Too Share Some of These Views and Concerns
of Most Americans?

Our members don’t – and shouldn’t have to – hold identical views on every specific policy. But, we respect each other, and have more in common with each other than with the Partisan Extremists in either Party, who are tearing our Country apart. We are committed to overcoming America’s poisonous and dysfunctional Polarized “Us against Them” politics, defeating the corruption of Dark Money and the grip of rampant Lies & Disinformation, and finding and strengthening common ground among the American People.

Welcome to our Family of the Center Majority of Americans!
Read More About Us, the Policies we Support & the Power we hold Together »