Inspiration – Values & Morality in our Culture & Politics

Inspiration – Values & Morality in our Culture & Politics

Scripture, Quotes, Uplifting Stories, and Thoughts for the Day

Weekly Wisdom from Scripture

“Know the Truth, and the Truth will Make you Free” – John 8:32

“Do unto others as you would have others do unto you” – Matthew 7:12

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself” – Matthew: 22:39

“Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren,
ye have done it unto me” – Matthew 25:40

“Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil” – Proverbs 4:27

“Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out:
so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth – Proverbs 26:20

“Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste,
and no city or house divided against itself will stand.” – Matthew 12:25

“Let your moderation be known unto all men.” – Philippians 4:5

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True Stories: The Values We Hold

Click on any Title below to read the post or see the Video:

Inspiring Stories of True Americans Caring – Every Day Heroes (Video)

Watch the power of caring and paying it forward as a diverse group of Americans, known as the Kansas City Heroes, come together to lend a helping hand to people in their community, bettering people’s lives and creating new members for their group in the process.    

Wisconsin Farmers Came together to Help a Neighbor in Need – An Example of the Values We Hold (Video)

YouTube Video by WGN News. In this moving story reported WGN News, we see how a typical community of farmers in southern Wisconsin, come together to help a neighbor in need.    

Rural Washington State Farmers Come Together to Help Harvest the Wheat for a Neighbor stricken with Cancer – Moving Example of the Values of Rural America (Video)

YouTube Video by KOMO Local News. As explained by KOMO, “The dirt, wheat, and the wide-open sky of a hard, hot land is where Larry Yockey, along with his father, his grandfather, and his great grandfather before that, came to be and came to stay. For over 60 years Larry has lived in the same

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Quotes to Remember

“Some vices miss what is right because they are deficient, others because they are excessive, in feelings or in actions, while virtue finds and chooses the mean.”
– Aristotle

“Moderation in everything.”
– Kleovoulos o Lindios, Ancient Greek pholosopher in the 6th century B.C.

“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”
– Mark Twain

“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”
– Mark Twain

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing”
– Walt Disney

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking”
– Steve Jobs

“What is more valuable than Gold? Diamonds. Than Diamonds? Virtue.”
– Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanack, 1751

“It isn’t what we don’t know that gives us trouble, it’s what we know that ain’t so.”
– Will Rogers

“Darkness cannon drive out darkness, only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that”
– Martin Luther King, Jr.

“I do not need to tell you that
we are living in democracy’s hour of maximum danger.
Ours is an age of declining trust and growing extremism;
the spread of lies and the erosion of truth;
the primacy of an impulse for brute power and
a deadly dearth of compassion and of neighborliness.
This isn’t hyperbole.
It’s the raw, discernible, undeniable fact of the matter.”

… “And yet here is another fact:
From the beaches of Normandy to the rending of the Iron Curtain,
from Harriet Tubman to Alice Paul to John Lewis,
we’re our best selves when we build bridges, not walls —
when we act out of generosity, not greed —
when we lend a hand, not when we point fingers.”

… “To know that we have met and solved seemingly intractable problems in ages past should give us hope for years to come.

So what can we learn from the past?
That the perfect should not be the enemy of the good.
That compromise is the oxygen of democracy.
That our common life must be about the mediation of differences —
not the waging of unrelenting war.
What’s true in our own lives, yours and mine
— that we ought to love one another as we do ourselves —
is equally true in the life of the country.”
– Jon Meacham – November 7, 2021

See also Quotes on Values & Morality from our Constitution & Forefathers (below) »

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Values & Morality in Our Politics

The United States Constitution:

Freedom of Religion & Separation of Church and State

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

– First Amendment of the United States Constitution

On Morality: Wisdom from our Founding Fathers

Samuel Adams - Statesman, Signer of Declaration of Independence & Founding Father - courtesy of Wikipedia

Samuel Adams
Statesman, Signer of the Declaration of Independence &
a Founding Father of the United States

“If men of wisdom and knowledge,
of moderation and temperance,
of patience, fortitude and perseverance,
of sobriety and true republican
simplicity of manners,
of zeal for the honour of the Supreme Being
and the welfare of the commonwealth;
if men possessed of these excellent qualities
are chosen to fill the seats of government,
we may expect that our affairs
will rest on a solid and permanent foundation.”

– Samuel Adams, November 27, 1780

George Washington - courtesy of Wikipedia Commons

George Washington
Winning General, American Revolution
First President of the United States

“There is but one straight course,
and that is to seek truth
and pursue it steadily.”

– George Washington

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“Let your heart feel for the afflictions
and the distress of everyone,
and let your hand give
in proportion to your purse.”

– George Washington

More Quotes to Remember from our Forefathers

“I am profitably engaged reading the Bible. Take all of this book upon reason that you can, and the balance on faith, and you will live and die a better man.
The purposes of the Almighty are perfect, and must prevail, though we erring mortals may fail accurately to perceive them in advance.
I know that the Lord is always on the side of the right: but it is my constant anxiety and prayer that I and this nation should be on the Lord’s side.”
– Abraham Lincoln

“The strongest bond of human sympathy outside of the family relation should be one uniting all working people of all nations, tongues and kindreds.”
– Abraham Lincoln

More Wisdom from our Forefathers in Their Own Words »

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